Thursday, April 20, 2017

Natural Resources:

Resources within egypt are fairly rich, the primary resources are oil and gas. The crude oil is found mainly in the Gulf of Suez and in the Western Desert and the natural gas is found mainly off the Mediterranean seashore and even in the western desert.Since 1995 there has been a decline in crude oil and Egypt has turned its focus to natural gas, it increased by approximately 75%, the excess amount of natural gas will meet the countries needs for many years while still being able to export plenty for trade. But oil and gas is not the only resource that Egypt is rich with such as iron ore, phosphate, limestone, talc, and zinc but the more dominate resources that bring income into Egypt's borders Honey, Papyris Plant, River Nile.

Over the years Egypt has always been known for its beauty and gems, the area has been self sustaining for many years with the Nile alotting for most of their natural resources. Once gas and oil were found the country began to excel a lot more and exporting began to build the country. This increase in exports helped to build relationships between other countries such as the United States and Saudi Arabia.

Ancient Egypt imported and exported goods from numerous neighboring countries. They started exporting stone and pottery vases, linen, papyrus, gold vessels and dried fish, mostly beautiful arts created within its boards but Egypt imported a lot more goods such as horses, cattle, cedar wood, silver and copper. At the start of trade in Egypt Caravan routs were one of the most important means of exchanging these goods, one route led to the south and the other to the north. The Nile was also used as an important trade route connecting north to south leading to the Mediterranean exposing Egypt to many more resources to link the country with more international trade. With international trade being exposed Egypt was able to prosper as it found new resources. The oil and gas trade took up over half the exports that left the borders.Egypts main trading partner is EU, its covers 22.9% of Egypt's trade volume in 2012 and ranked first both as Egypt's import and export partner.Trade between EU has steadily progressed especially since 2004 and the growing finds of oil fields helped to build the trade even more.

Amarsys. Egypt: BG plans third pipeline to its West Delta Deep Marine gas project offshore Egypt. Accessed April 2017.

"Pic 2 Fly." Egyptian Trade Goods submited images. Accessed April 2017. Trade Goods.html

Chakravarti, Leila Zaki. Made In Egypt : Gendered Identity and Aspiration on the Globalised Shop Floor (1). New York, NY, US: Berghahn Books, 2016. Accessed April 2017. ProQuest ebrary.

PBS. Accessed April 2017.

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